Español Online Registration System ADAMS 12 BASE ProgramsBASE Programs serve elementary students beginning at 5 years of age. Students in the BASE Program engage in a wide variety of activities and choices, providing students with opportunities to create, learn and grow through arts, physical activity, and academic enrichment activities during out-of-school time. BASE activities allow students opportunities critical to their social-emotional development. Register Here Tax StatementsLog into Eleyo and navigate to your Child Care Account. Tax statements are located under Account Management. Account Login Pay an Invoice Your invoice(s) are sent to you via email, but can also be reviewed below.Pay an Invoice Manage Payment Info You can add/update/remove saved payments methods here: Saved Payment Methods QUICK PAY Adams 12 Five Star Schools BASE Programs Phone: (720) 972-6278www.Adams12.orgThe Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP) helps families that are homeless, working, searching for work or in school find low-income child care assistance. Families that are enrolled in the Colorado Works Program can also use CCCAP services.